Final Media Product

Monday 16 December 2013

Production Evidence

 This photo shows our group working out the responsibilities of the other members and figuring out which pitch we will chose to film for our opening sequence.
 This photo shows Dom and me working on the computers. One is researching narrative voice- overs in films while the other is searching for a useful soundtrack for the film. 
In this shot we can see Jonathan looking for useful locations to film for our opening sequences.
 This shot shows Zahra and Dom working on the storyboard and the timeline for the film.
 This photo shows Jonathan and Zahra working out a shot list for our opening sequence and a script for our narration.
 This shot shows Dom working on the safety assessment for the filming of the opening sequence and Ellie working on the various mood-boards for our pitch and the titles research needed.
 This picture shows Ellie editing the Audience interviews we recorded for our films evidence to place on our blogs.
 This photo shows Zahra recording Jonathan while he is acting in our opening sequence.
This photo shows Jonathan editing the footage we captured for our opening sequence.

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